Demonstration exercise in the event of tanker oil spill held at Omišalj Terminal

14.11.2007. 13:12

At the Mediterranean Oil Industry Group (MOIG) annual meeting, JANAF Plc. held an exercise of a sudden event case during tanker crude oil unloading operation at Omišalj Terminal on the island of Krk on 14 November 2007. JANAF’s fire brigade and technological staff in cooperation with Port of Rijeka Authority and Dezinsekcija Ltd. from Rijeka have demonstrated operative and technical measures of securing people, environment and assets in a case of a sudden crude oil spill, fire or other incident during crude oil unloading operation.

The purpose of the exercise was to check were all the participants prepared and trained for the implementation of measures and procedures in an incident case, in accordance with both environmental and fire protection intervention plans. The tactical assumption of the accident contained the possibility that during the tanker crude oil unloading operation a default on the unloading arm occurred, simultaneously with oil spilling and subsequent oil fire. Both technical safety and fire extinction measures by foam pourers were presented, as well as the additional measures of marine and environmental sanation by the usage of absorbents and the setting up of both floating boom and pumps which eliminate the oil layer from the surface. Also, the air bubble barrier which closes the bay of Omišalj was set up. The air bubble barrier used is 900 meters long and is as such the longest barrier of the kind in the world.

JANAF Plc. has for the first time hosted the annual meeting of Mediterranean Oil Industry Group (MOIG), held from 12 till 15 November 2007. Mediterranean region oil companies joined together under MOIG in 1995, while JANAF Plc. became a permanent member in 2003. MOIG’s primary aims include the promotion of regional cooperation between the oil industry and Mediterranean region governmental representatives, the exchange of information, expertise and equipment in the case of a sudden incident, as well as members’ education and training according to the conditions of International Maritime Organization (IMO).