Laboratory for calibration and verification of volumetric and mass flow meters

The laboratory for calibration and verification of volumetric and mass flow meters at the Sisak Terminal is a facility serving for calibration and verification of volumetric and mass flow meters up to 2500 m3/h or 2500 t/h respectively. The facility consists of a stable prover tank of 10 000L, and a closed prover loop with unidirectional pipe prover of the nominal volume of 10 000 L. The calibrated prover tank of 10 000 L has a role of calibrating the pipe prover loop as well as of calibrating and verifying the volumetric and mass flow meters. 

The calibration and verification of volumetric flow meters are made using four (4) liquid products of different viscosities (3-150 cSt) at different flow rates of up to 2500 m3/h. 

The entire document can be seen here.